Understanding the Search Results

Based on the provided search results, here is a summary of the information related to the search terms:
1. [烈嶼鄉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%83%88%E5%B6%BC%E9%84%89): The population and household statistics of 烈嶼鄉 (Lieyu Township) are provided, including details about the villages with the most and least population.
2. [烈嶼 - 来自维基导游的旅行指南](https://zh.wikivoyage.org/wiki/%E7%83%88%E5%B6%BC): This source shares cultural taboos and superstitions related to the numbers and death beliefs in Lieyu Island.
3. [烈嶼小金門13大必去景點、美食、交通、遊程懶人包 - 韓若紫 ...](https://www.kelyslife.com/lieyu-township/): This page contains information on the attractions, cuisine, transportation, and travel itinerary for 小金門 (Little Kinmen/Lieyu Island).
4. [金門烈嶼》金門自由行!13個烈嶼必去景點清單、一日遊 ...](https://logastravel.com/13-must-visit-attractions-in-kinmen-lieyu/): Offers a list of 13 must-visit attractions in 烈嶼 (Lieyu), including address and visiting hours for a specific site.
5. [烈嶼鄉, 臺灣的大膽島 | Sygic Travel](https://travel.sygic.com/zh/poi/da-dan-dao-poi:34383009): Provides information about 大膽島 (Dadan Island) located in 烈嶼鄉 (Lieyu Township).

# Summarized Answer in Traditional Chinese

## 烈嶼鄉(Lieyu Township)
- 根據金門縣政府民政處統計,烈嶼鄉戶數約3.3千戶,人口約1.3萬人。林湖村與上林村是人口最多與最少的村,分別為3,669人與1,563人。

## 文化禁忌
- 金門文化中有關數字和死亡的迷信禁忌,例如迴避提及與死亡相關的數字,不使用紅筆寫別人的名字。

## 小金門景點和美食
- 提供了烈嶼鄉的必去景點、美食、交通、以及遊程懶人包信息,包括各景點的地址和遊覽時間。

## 烈嶼必去景點清單
- 列舉了13個烈嶼必去景點,例如湖井頭戰史館,提供了地址和開放時間。

## 大膽島
- 提供了位於烈嶼鄉的大膽島的相關信息。
