
*業障一直是個令人苦惱的問題,它形成于眾生無始以來的執著習氣。這些障礙常常讓我們在生活中感到困擾,也是我們常聽到的業障。要消除業障,我們需要超脫業相的束縛,才能擺脫業障的苦楚。修行過程中,要學會不受業力所限,才能擺脫這種困擾。為了自身的寧靜與和謐,我們應當努力克服業障,使心靈更加純淨、清淨。* ?

In this tailored article, the focus is on addressing the issue of karmic hindrance, specifically in the context of Taiwan readers. The concept of "業障" (karmic hindrance) is explored as obstacles that arise from deep-rooted attachments and habits carried over from countless past lives. These hindrances often lead to mental distress and challenges in daily life. By breaking free from these binding influences, individuals can alleviate the suffering caused by karmic hindrances. Emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth and transcendence, the article underscores the path towards overcoming karmic obstacles for inner peace and clarity.