Understanding the Search Results

## 東河鄉 (台灣)
- The 東河鄉 (Taiwan) is a local government.
- It is situated in the northeastern part of Taitung County in Taiwan.
- 東河鄉 (Taiwan) shares its borders with Hualien County, Yuchi Township, Guanshan Township, and Luye Township.
- The geography comprises coastal and basin areas, with 60% of the land being hilly.

## 鹿野
- 鹿野 (Luye) is located in the southern part of the Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley.
- It covers an area of approximately 88.71 square kilometers.
- The surrounding areas include Beinan River, Yantian Village of Yanping Township, Luye Township, and Guanshan Township.
- The region is known for its high elevation, nestled between the coastal mountain range and the East Rift Valley.

## 關山
- 關山 (Guanshan) is a town in the northern part of Taitung County, Taiwan.
- It is adjacent to Haiduan Township, borders with Chishang Township to the north, Donghe Township to the east, and Luye Township to the south.

## 東河鄉 (Wikipedia)
- The 東河鄉 (Taiwan) public office serves as the highest decision-making body for the local government, with various internal units and affiliated agencies.
- The 東河鄉 (Taiwan) Representative Council is the highest authority for public opinion in the region.

# Article: 命理文章 - 關於臺東縣東河鄉提升官運
## ? 目錄
1. **關於東河鄉**
2. **東河鄉的命理特點**
3. **如何提升官運**
4. **東河鄉的未來展望**

## # 關於東河鄉

## # 東河鄉的命理特點

## # 如何提升官運

## # 東河鄉的未來展望